Mara Tesler Stein
Whorkshop for psychologists and mental health professionals, who have completed Level I in an EMDR Europe Approved Entity.
TRAINING THAT WILL BE RECORDED. It can be seen for 3 months
IMPORTANT NOTE: There is the possibility that some course contents such as videos or clinical cases presented in the live training, will not be recorded, for protection of confidentiality.
Workshop in English with simultaneous translation in Spanish. You can choose the language
If you are interested in the workshop and have questions about registration, you can write to
Mara Tesler Stein, Psy.D., PMH-C is a clinical psychologist and EMDR consultant and trainer in Chicago and Jerusalem. She is the founder and director of The Touchstone Institute for Perinatal Training where she offers both foundational and advanced EMDR trainings which take deep dives into the intersections and applications of EMDR and perinatal mental health.
Dr. Stein is a staunch advocate for trauma-focused care and is trained and certified in a range of integrative trauma therapies. Dr. Stein is also certified in Emotion-Focused Family and Couple Therapy, Brainspotting, is a Gottman Certified Therapist, and continues to deepen her training in Clinical Hypnosis, Yoga-Informed treatment, Advanced applications of EMDR, and Ego-State therapies.
She is the co-author (with Deborah Davis, Ph.D.) of Parenting Your Premature Baby and Child: The Emotional Journey (Fulcrum, 2004) and Intensive Parenting: Surviving the Journey Through the NICU (Fulcrum, 2013). She has also contributed book chapters in the areas of perinatal loss, EMDR treatment, and trauma focused psychological care for NICU families.
Her trauma work is grounded in her personal perinatal journey, which began 28 years ago taking her through infertility, twin pregnancy, prolonged hospital bedrest, the NICU, and years of raising NICU graduates.
You can find her at and at
This whorkshop provides us with an innovative perspective on the integration of the PAI model and the three core tasks that parents face during the perinatal period (pregnancy and the first years of life after birth): developing parental identity for the current baby or babies, managing emotions, and managing relationships. This workshop will introduce you to the wide variety of disruptive and traumatizing events that can occur during the perinatal period. You will learn to identify the characteristics of these events and recognize common clinical presentations. This will inform decision making during the protocol phases preparation and target selection .
Case presentations and videos will be used to see the integration of this material into the eight phases of the standard EMDR therapy protocol.
This workshop is of utmost importance, since many patients describe their experience during pregnancy as traumatic, not only on the maternity ward, but also during the effort to become pregnant, during the course of the pregnancy itself, and complications during the neonatal period. These common events are often stigmatized. As a result, women tend to minimize their impact and family members and doctors may not be aware of their repercussions, hindering their clinical detection.
Thursday July 4, 2024
Welcome and Introduction
Explanation of expressive arts projects
Review the use of EMDR’s Three-Pronged, 8-stage standard protocol and the Adaptive-Information Processing model.
Identify core universal trauma themes
Perinatal Trauma Themes: The Three Core Tasks
10:30-10:45: Break
Philosophies of care:how philosophies of care— developmentally supportive, relationship-centered care—serve as trauma recovery resources
Perinatal trauma: The journey
Types of perinatal trauma, an overview
12:30-1:30 PM Break for lunch
13:30 – 14:00
The Integrated Lens in Evaluation & History-Taking
EMDR Applications: Postpartum mood and Anxiety Disorders, Postpartum Psychosis, as Traumatic ruptures
Impact of perinatal loss and trauma
15:00-15:15: Break
15:15 – 17:00
EMDR Applications: Specialized Protocols and Modifications in Perinatal Trauma
The Integrated Lens for Case Conceptualization & Treatment Planning
17:00-17:15: Questions and wrap up day 1
Friday, July 5, 2024
The Integrated Lens for Case Conceptualization & Treatment Planning (Continued)
10:30-10:45: Break
10:45-12:30 Demonstration and discussion.
Video: Presentation of clinical material, practicing and demonstrating utilization of the integrated lens for organization, conceptualization and decision-making.
12:30-1:30 p.m.: Break for lunch
EMDR use during pregnancy
Self as therapist: elements that clinicians bring to perinatal work.
Perinatal hospice, palliative care and critical decision making
15:45-16:00 Break
16:00-17:00: Specific topics
Attachment: Apply attachment theory to perinatal loss and trauma, using the AIP model and the Three core Tasks lenses
Grief: To conceptualize the experience of grieving using the AIP and Three Core Task framework
17:00 – 17:30: Questions and wrap up 2
Mara Tesler Stein
Whorkshop for psychologists and mental health professionals, who have completed Level I in an EMDR Europe Approved Entity.
TRAINING THAT WILL BE RECORDED. It can be seen for 3 months
IMPORTANT NOTE: There is the possibility that some course contents such as videos or clinical cases presented in the live training, will not be recorded, for protection of confidentiality.
Workshop in English with simultaneous translation in Spanish. You can choose the language
If you are interested in the workshop and have questions about registration, you can write to
350.00 € hasta el 04/06/2024
350.00 € desde el 05/06/2024 hasta el 03/07/2024
Si los datos de facturación no coinciden con los datos del receptor del curso por favor, escriban a indicando los datos fiscales para la factura.
Del mismo modo, cuando los datos de la inscripción no coincidan con los datos postales de envío de la documentación, por favor, notifiquen a para el correcto envío.
- Por tarjeta de crédito: Una vez aceptada tu solicitud, escoge en "carrito", la opción deseada.
a) Realizar un único pago.
b) Pago fraccionado:
Primer Pago -Reserva: 0.00 €
Segundo Pago:
200.00 € hasta el 04/06/2024
0.00 € desde el 05/06/2024 hasta el 03/07/2024
Pasos a seguir:
Si tienes usuario y clave del Instituto Español EMDR, tan solo inicia sesión en la Escuela: y accede con los mismos datos a la formación que desees. Si no, sigue estos pasos:
1.- Consulta la explicación del registro conjunto en Instituto y Escuela:, realiza el proceso de registro si es necesario en Si todo está correcto, en un máximo de 48 horas tu cuenta será activada y recibirás un mail de confirmación.
2.-Con el usuario que has creado y la contraseña que te hemos mandado, inicia sesión en
3.-Ya puedes acceder a la formación que desees. Añade el curso a la cesta pulsando en el botón de inscripción con la modalidad que prefieras. Vete a la cesta (parte superior de la página), y sigue tramitando el pago por tarjeta.
4.- Una vez recibido el pago en la Escuela, (24-48 horas después), recibirás la factura como confirmación de tu matriculación en el curso.
La Organización se reserva el derecho de suprimir y/o modificar fechas y lugares en caso de no contar con un mínimo de participantes. En estos casos se notificará a los participantes con anticipación, devolviéndoles, asimismo, íntegramente el dinero de la inscripción abonada.
En caso de cancelación de la inscripción esta será devuelta en su totalidad si se realiza 30 días antes del inicio del curso con una penalización de 10 euros por gastos de gestión y administrativos. Si la renuncia se realiza entre los últimos 30 y 7 días antes del curso se reembolsará la inscripción con una penalización de 70 euros.
No se realizará ningún reembolso si la cancelación se realiza en los últimos 7 días, y no existe causa de fuerza mayor.
La solicitud voluntaria de cambio de fechas en los cursos similares, una vez inscrito, se tratará como cancelación, con los mismos gastos y fechas, salvo cambio por fuerza mayor (accidente, enfermedad, hopitalización suya o de familiar....), que será debidamente justificada.
En caso de suspensión del curso o modificación de fechas, se otorgará un reembolso completo o una nueva inscripción en otro curso de idénticas características.